Sunday, April 26, 2009

Can angel's trumpets be grown and kept inside?

Can angel's trumpets be grown and kept inside?
I'm in zone 5 (Wisconsin), and I have 2 potted Brugmansia that are going on their second winter in the basement. They are in 15-inch pots, and currently stand about 6 feet tall. I usually give them a few hours of the plant-light every day, and water them about once a week. They currently look pretty shabby, having dropped most of their leaves after they came indoors. As soon as we get past the last frost, they go back outside on the patio, and usually get new leaves within a few weeks.
Reply:Angel Trumpets can be enjoyed in cooler zones in containers and wintered over in greenhouses, cellars, or heated garages.
Reply:Don't forget they are poisenous. Hope you don't have kids or pets.
Reply:I have three brugmansias and they are all indoors. The problem with them is that they get so big, can get nine feet tall before you realize what is going on with them. They need lots of light and some sun, indoors, to be kept evenly moist but not wet, and need fertilized about once a month with liquid house plant fertilizer.

They will bloom for you but not as well as they do outdoors. Mine do bloom in the house in the winter, but outside on the deck in the summer they really put on a show.

They need to be cut back every year so they can be kept to a manageable size. I have repotted mine every year but they have gotten to such a size now that it is not realistic any more, so I just tip them out of the pot and shake off some of the old soil, and put new soil in the same pot. They respond well to that treatment. If they are too rootbound, you can prune the roots back some.

a side note: if you have plant allergies: my daughter is so allergic to the blooms that she can't be in the same house with a blooming brugmansia, she has the same reaction most people have to ragweed.

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